Alumni, Parent, and Family Relations

Stay connected with SPU Stories for the latest articles about what's happening in the SPU community. Share your alumni updates and check out the news from fellow alums. Open our emails, read e-newsletters, and keep us up-to-date on your contact information and major life events.


Join platforms like Falcon Connect to aid graduating students and other alums or to seek career advice yourself. Interact on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, and respond when we request alumni stories or to help students needing assistance.


Bring real-world experience, professional expertise, and projects into the classroom. Help judge the Social Venture Plan Competition, and champion events of your own (such luncheons or reunions with your club, team, or floor).


Help current and future Falcons by donating to support scholarships, student activities, athletics, and opportunities to go deeper in Christian faith. Ninety-five percent of current SPU students rely on scholarships and aid, so your gift makes a difference.

What’s Happening

Calling all Chicago-area SPU alumni! Join your alumni ambassador, the Rev. Greg Asimakoupoulos, for a no-host pizza gathering at Gino’s East Pizzeria, 315 W. Front St., Wheaton, Illinois, on Sunday, March 9, at 6 p.m. RSVP by emailing before Thursday, March 6.

SPU Giving Day

Join other SPU alumni on Wednesday, April 2, for SPU’s Giving Day: One day, one purpose, and one incredible impact.

Check out the Winter Quarter 2025 Connections e-newsletter! Discover why Dr. Traynor Hansen was on KING 5 News, learn more about the sale of Camp Casey, don’t miss the trailer for the film about Doric Heritage ’64, share your own alumni news, and more.

Don’t miss out on a full calendar of in-person and virtual alumni events and opportunities throughout the year! Full list of events.

Career Counseling Resources for Alumni

SPU students hang out in Martin Square

Did you know that as an SPU alum you still have access to Center for Career and Calling resources? You can schedule a career counseling appointment to discuss a résumé review, job search strategies, mock interview prep, and more! To schedule an appointment, log into your Handshake account and click on the “Career Services” tab on the top right corner; then select “Appointments,” followed by “Schedule a New Appointment. If you have questions, visit the CCC alumni benefits page, or connect with the CCC.

Parents & Families

You are a vital piece of the SPU community! Find the information you need In the Loop.

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Seattle Pacific University, Engaging the Culture, Changing the World

The Office of Alumni, Parent, and Family Relations
Walls Advancement Center
206-281-ALUM (206-281-2586)

Open weekdays, 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Visitors welcome!

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